Kamis, 09 September 2010

computer generation 1965 - present

3. Generation - 3 (1965 - 1970)

Characteristics are as follows:
a. Components used is IC (Integrated Circuits) in the form of hybrid integrated circuits and monolithic integrated circuits.
b. Improvement of the software
c. Faster and more accurate. Kecepatanya nearly 10 000 times from the first computer generation computer. speed size is microseconds even nano-second.

d. Larger computer memory capacity, can save hundreds of thousands of characters.
e. Using external storage Access random nature of large-capacity magnetic disks.
f. More efficient use of electricity compared with the previous generation computer.
g. Allows to perform multiprocessing, which can process some data from different sources at the same time and multiprogramming, which can work on multiple programs at once.
h. Development of input-output devices that use visual display terminals that bias-related images and graphics, can receive and give voice and the use of magnetic ink reader is MICR (Magnetic Ink Characters Recognition) reader
i. Prices more expensive than the previous generation computer.
j. The ability to communicate data from one computer to other computers via communication tools such as a phone.
Examples of third generation computers: IBM S360, GE600, GE 235, UNIVAC 1108 etc.

4. Generation - 4 (1970 - 1995)
a. Using the LSI (Large Scale Integration) or Bipolar Large scale integration. LSI is a compression of the thousands who made a single IC in a rectangular plate containing an integrated-circuit rangklaian (Integrated Circuits)
b. Dikembangkanya computers that use microprocessors and micro-shaped semiconductor chips for computer memory (internal memory)
Types of 4th generation computer: IBM 370, ARCNet, Apple II etc.

5. Generation - 5 (1995 - Present)

Components used by this generation of computers are VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration). In addition to Joseph Junction VLSI also developed, the technology could possibly replace the chip. Joseph Junction has the ability to process a trillion operations per second was only able to process chip technology billion operations per second.
Japan is a country of pioneering the development of fifth generation computers. An institution dedicated to the development of computer technology was established in Tokyo, namely ICOT (Institute for New computer technology). If successful, the fifth-generation computers will be able to translate human language, have conversations with people, electrical energy savings, can more accurately diagnose disease, etc.

6. Future Computers
To estimate accurately the development of technology is certainly difficult. When observed from generation to generation developments, technological developments from year to year increase very rapidly. Some scientists believe that a time will founded a component made of protein synthesis which will be called with the biochip.

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