Kamis, 09 September 2010

computer generation 1965 - present

3. Generation - 3 (1965 - 1970)

Characteristics are as follows:
a. Components used is IC (Integrated Circuits) in the form of hybrid integrated circuits and monolithic integrated circuits.
b. Improvement of the software
c. Faster and more accurate. Kecepatanya nearly 10 000 times from the first computer generation computer. speed size is microseconds even nano-second.

computer generation 1945 - 1965

Computer Generation

1. Generation - 1 (1945 - 1959)
The characteristics of a generation of computer:
a. Components that are used vacuum tubes for the circuit.
b. The program can only be made with machine language (machine language)
c. Using the concept of stored program with its main memory was magnetic core storage.
d. Using external storage of magnetic tape and magnetic disks
e. Physical size and require a large computer room is spacious.
f. Fast cooling heat so that the necessary equipment.
g. The process is not quick enough

next computer calassification

which continued yesterday
c. Large Computer Scalle
Also called mainframe computers or large computer because it forms such a large phisiknya closet. This kind of computer has a speed of up to 400 MIPS. Used in large companies such as airlines that have hundreds of branches spread throughout the world that every branch office has a terminal connected to the central computer.

computer calasification

1. Based on the type of data processed:
a. Analog computers (analog computer)
Used for data that are continuous and not the data in the form of numbers, but in physical form, such as electrical current, temperature, velocity, pressure and so forth. Output of analog computers generally are for setting or controlling a machine. For example, an analog computer is used to adjust the valve to control the flow of fluid that flows through a pipe, or used to adjust the temperature inside a burning tool. Analog computers are widely used in process control at chemical plants, penmbangkit electric power, oil refining, and in the hospital to regulate the heartbeat and so forth.

memory unit Capacity

Memory Unit Capacity
1 Byte
1 KB (Kilo Byte)
1 MB (Mega Byte)
1 GB (Gyga Byte)
1 TB (Tera Byte) 8 bits or one character
1024 bytes = 8192 bits
1024 KB = 1,048,576 bytes
1024 MB = 1,048,576 KB = 1,073,741,824 bytes
1024 GB = 1,048,576 MB = 1,099,511,627,776 KB

Unit of computer memory capacity

Comparison of Human Computer

computer recognition

Computer definition of equipment (devices) working under stored program control which automatically receive, store and process data to produce information that is the result of such processing.

Computerized ASPECT
1. Technical aspects, namely Hardware, Software, Brainware
Hardware (computer hardware) are devices within a computer system which physically can be seen and touched. Example: Mouse, Keyboard, etc. Hardisk.

bus definition

Bus Definition

Bus is liaison point between the tool on a computer that is used as a medium in the process of spending data in process.This bus ca be considered as a pipe,where the pipe or channel used to transmit and receive information between device connected.in a computer system,this bus